Wednesday 11 March 2009

Courtney’s pregnancy diary: Week 31

I’m afraid I’m becoming a bit redundant with my weekly pregnancy updates, but this past week was another uneventful one. I suppose this is a good thing, as I’m still feeling really good, still have plenty of energy, and still getting enough rest in the evenings. And, thanks to my two other munchkins keeping me busy, I even sometimes forget I’m pregnant entirely… Until I bend over to grab something off the floor, or bump into the wall with my bulging bump! The growing belly is definitely a constant reminder.

My husband and I are starting to think about baby names, which is more difficult this pregnancy because we don’t know the sex of the baby. (Previously, we knew we were having a boy, so it was easier to focus!) These days I am constantly scanning street signs, studying the newspaper, reading (and re-reading) baby name books, etc. We still haven’t come up with anything we love. Thankfully we still have two months to go…
