Monday 30 March 2009

Courtney’s pregnancy diary: Week 33

With a bit more than six weeks left until the baby is due, it’s safe to say I’m on the home stretch! I’m beginning to find myself in that very familiar ‘nesting phase’ of organization, tidying, planning, last-minute purchases, etc. Just this week I brought our moses basket out of storage because I want to replace the mattress and have it all ready for when the baby arrives. Just seeing the moses basket in our bedroom is making it all feel real. Soon there will be a baby lying next to my bed!

I’m still feeling pretty well, albeit a bit more tired and certainly a bit more heavy. I’m starting to feel pressure and the occasional cramping pains, especially if I’ve been on my feet all day (which is quite difficult to avoid when you’ve got two little boys to chase after)! It feels like the baby is already quite low in position, but I think this is pretty normal for a third baby. In any case, these cramps and twinges are all a sign that the birth is not far away.

Now, if only I could decide on a name for the baby I would be one step further to being fully prepared…
