Thursday 5 March 2009

Courtney’s pregnancy diary: Week 30

I’m 30 weeks pregnant today, and I’ve just had a visit with my midwife this morning. Have I mentioned how much I love my midwife? She comes to me for all appointments, so I never need to leave my house. I usually make tea and we have a nice visit while she takes my blood pressure, listens to the baby, takes all the measurements, etc. Having a private midwife is especially handy when you have other children, because you don’t have to drag them along to the GP, or arrange for childcare. It’s also nice because she is the same midwife who we used for the first two labours/births, so she is familiar and she knows my body, etc. It’s a wonderful luxury.

The visit went well, and everything seems to be right on track. The baby is growing, and already positioned with his/her head quite low. I’m starting to feel the affect on my bladder, as I now have to make frequent trips to the bathroom, both during the day and throughout the night! I suppose there’s only so much room in there, so everything gets a bit squeezed. Apart from this, however, I feel great so I should really ‘count my lucky stars’ as the saying goes. I’m just trying to get my head round how quickly this pregnancy is going, and how I only have 10 weeks left!! Yikes!

- Courtney